"Asian Misidentification": The Installation and Gallery by Julianna Souther at LBCC

The Gallery at South Santiam Hall located at LBCC, displaying the installation by Julianna Souther on the misidentification of those of Asian ethnicity on October 10. The gallery displays numerous photos of people and their stories relating to racism and their experiences growing up with the false statement that "all Asians look the same". 

The main focal point of the gallery and the artist's reasoning for creating this beautiful installation. The description includes how these pieces tie in together, how the racism affects the people depicted personally, and what the project aims to achieve: to debunk the categorization that is inflicted onto those of specific races.

The left side of the gallery depicting the stories and portraits of those interviewed by Souther. Beside each portrait is a handwritten letter describing each person's experience with the cultural racism that many of our country still believe in every single day. 


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